• For inquiries, please contact:

  • etho llc - a compassionate, design & strategy group with an endearing focus to create meaningful products. The notion of Crownes Chess began with play, learning & inclusivity at it’s core. Crownes innately serves as a vessel of creativity that challenges conventional thinking, like chess itself. It represents the opportunity to spread knowledge, creative problem solving & valuable lessons into the world. This innovative design is a purposeful creation, something to cherish and create lasting moments. Too many products fall obsolete - however, the essence of chess itself, transcends time; Crownes Chess compliments this very notion and strives to provide endless usefulness. Thank you for your sincere interest in Crownes Chess, we appreciate your support - enjoy, have fun, learn!

  • etho llc has collaborated with DesigNest.com to design, develop & produce Crownes Chess. DesignNest is a all-in-one platform for designers to launch their products worldwide, for retailers to order products and for customers to discover innovative products & support designers. DesignNest’s team of designers, art directors, engineers, marketing, logisitics and sales helped make Crownes Chess possible & globally recognized.

  • etho & Crownes are trademarked property. Crownes Chess is patented in the U.S., Europe & China.